The Running Tourist

Logo FINAL (O)We’d like to take this opportunity to highlight a recent client we’ve been working with. Yes, I’m one of “those”. One of those people with the 13.1 sticker on the back of their vehicle. Don’t get me wrong. I’m far from a “running snob”. I crack up every time I see someone sporting the 0.0 sticker. That’s funny “you-know-what”. But during all of those long training runs, you meet some very nice people. Camille is one of those people.

She came to us last summer to develop a logo for her company, The Running Tourist. Combine a comfortable 5K run with great sites and unique neighborhoods and you get The Running Tourist. Their focus is on people that make/made the neighborhoods:  old immigration vs new immigration, world history, cultural, ethnic, immigration. It’s always great to see someone doing what they love and we really enjoyed working with her to develop her company’s identity. I encourage you to take a run with The Running Tourist. You get some exercise, probably learn something, and meet some great people all at the same time!

If we can help you refresh or create a new logo for your company or brand, please call us. You can see other examples of logos we’ve created by clicking HERE.