Is your website talking behind your back?

Sound crazy?

Whisper-Dollarphotoclub_44900476Not really. Ok, say maybe you don’t hear the commentary through your computer’s speakers, but the message may be coming through loud and clear to visitors to your site.


What is your site saying? It depends. Hopefully, it is saying exactly what you would say if someone asked you why they should do business with your company. Hopefully it inspires them to transition from “visitor” to “customer”.

ToDo-PostIt-Dollarphotoclub_49279794What are those whispers? Not every site we come across falls into the category above. Some websites whisper “I’m tired.” Others appear to utter “My owner checked the ‘create website’ box and never looked at me again.” Still others have “News” that is many months or even years old. The dangers with these whispers are the possible impressions your potential clients are left with:

  • There is nothing new or current going on at this company.
  • This company doesn’t care.
  • This company is “behind the times.”
  • The 1990’s called; they want their website back.

Of course, none of these may be actually true. But the whispers continue…

How do I know if MY website is talking behind my back?

  • Look at competitors’ sites and see how you stack up.
  • Ask yourself if you are proud of your site and eager to send potential clients there.
  • Have us provide a free review of your website. We’ll give you honest feedback and suggestions for improvement.

How much does a new website cost? How long is a piece of rope? It really depends on the situation. Are there companies that have spent many thousands of dollars on their website? Yes there are. And there are companies that spent several hundred and my bet is it that you could tell them apart in 3 seconds or less. We’ve built some websites that exceeded $10K, but the vast majority of the sites we’ve built cost half of that or less.

WordpressWe build websites on the WordPress platform, a content management system (CMS) that allows our clients to maintain their own website. That’s right, no more paying $200 to “the web guys” every time you have a minor change and then waiting weeks for the change to get done. Add or delete pages, upload photos, create news or posts and have it “go live” instantly. You are in control. (But we’re here just in case you need us.)

To see a few samples of sites we’ve created, CLICK HERE. If you’d like to schedule a no cost-no obligation review of your current website, call us at 636.940.9146 or drop us a line HERE. Let us help you get your website back on YOUR side!